* All loans are subject to lenders requirements and approval. The time a loan takes to get paid out can vary from lender to lender. We will not perform a credit check, lenders will complete a soft search when assessing your eligibility for a loan. If you accept a lender's loan offer, they will perform a hard credit search. We don't charge a fee but you should be aware that other lenders and brokers may do so. They should let you know if they charge you a fee.
Cash Pug is a trading style of William Ellis Sinclair (WES).
†† Credit Information Services are provided by William Ellis Sinclair (WES), who may refer you to a third party provider. All providers offer a minimum free 3 day trial, followed by a monthly cost of £10-£30. In the case of checkmyfile there is a 30 day trial which can be cancelled anytime. We receive an introducers fee for this service. We are unable to tell you which provider you will be referred to in advance of your application.
We don't charge a fee, but there might be a charge from some lenders within our network. Cash Pug does not make lending or credit decisions, we are not a lender - as a broker we match customer's loan applications with lenders in our database depending on the information provided. William Ellis Sinclair (WES) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the Financial Services Register under reference number 618190 with registered address 8a Dunraven Place, Bridgend, CF31 1JD. Licensed by the Information Commissioners Office (registration number ZA033005).